Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Resolution in Real Life

A resolution is a firm decision to do or to not do something, that is, until you put the words "New Year's" in front of it. With the addition of those two words, our ability to make resolutions is strictly limited to the first day of the year. 1 day out of 365 days in the year that we can make a change in our lives and that is it. (As someone who likes math, that is only a .27% chance for change! Personally, I don't feel comfortable or satisfied with that offer.)

This is wrong.
This is what may be responsible for so many of our failed goals. (It is.) When people slip up on their New Year's Resolutions (sometimes in January, sometimes in June) they feel as though they have automatically failed and this slip up sends the resolution flying out the window, maybe to be invited back inside next January 1st, but certainly not now and certainly not until then.

We are conditioned to wait until January 1st to make changes.
Well, exercise  sucks!!!
Too often as humans, we feel the need for change in our lives, but we will sit around with less than what we want, waiting around for January 1st, the magical day that we can choose to become happy. I am here to tell you (and to remind myself) that you don't need to wait for January 1st's permission to take control of your life! January 1st just wants a big entrance, fireworks, parties, the whole shebang. January 1st wants to take the glory for helping you make good changes. "Look at me everybody! The party has arrived! Today only! You may now choose a resolution for the year! You are so welcome!"

Stop waiting for permission! You don't need to answer to January 1st! 
And in the case that January 1st comes around
and you don't want to make a resolution,
you have that power too!
Do not wait around to make changes. The only thing that will change with waiting is time. More time living miserably, less time to live without the problem on your back. Less time to enjoy the people you love. Less time to live problem-free! Don't always be waiting for January to make changes. You are a strong, independent person and you don't need January 1st to complete you.

She says it well.

June or December, tomorrow or today, make the choice to make a change. 

❤ Kate

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