Sunday, October 12, 2014


I just happen to belong to the best family in eternity. I am not sure how I got so lucky, or what I did to deserve such a blessing, but I am eternally grateful for this gift.

A family that runs together, stays together!
Family. There is something about the word that just makes my heart glow and my face smile. My family is: my mom, my dad, my sisters, my brother, even my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins. Each one is part of a unit that I also belong to. We are stuck together by the strongest of bonds, both seen and unseen. 

What a beautiful welcome!

There is ALWAYS room for more.

I was asked this question: Why families?

and it really got me thinking. Life would be so incredibly different without them. There would be nothing that could replace them. Nothing could come close to that automatic support group. Who could I tell everything to? Who could I always be myself around? Where could I love and be loved so unconditionally? 

Right before they left me at college. I guess that was love...

Families are one of my favorite blessings. I have decided that my Heavenly Father has given me a family for my very own so that I could have a little glimpse of the love that he feels for me. He loves me(his daughter)more than I can possibly imagine, and yet, I love my family so much, I can feel the immense love that my parents have for me, and I can understand. I know I will feel boundless love for a family of my own one day.

Here they are, supporting me at graduation!

So take a little time to make sure your family knows how much you love them and appreciate them for all that they do for you. Give them your time and your love in return. And best of all: Remember that you never have to be without them.

❤ Kate


Saturday, September 20, 2014

life happens everyday

"if we're really honest with ourselves, our plans usually don't work out as we had hoped. So instead of asking our young people "What are your plans? What do you plan to do with your life?" Maybe we should tell them this: Plan to be surprised." -Dan in Real Life

Life- the capacity we have for growth and change. This is the basis of what our existence entails, yet it is easily forgotten in the complexities we create for ourselves.

So many things can (and do) go wrong in life that I often forget about all the wonderful things that could go so perfectly right. At this time in my life, there has been so much stress put on having my whole life mapped out to the very last detail. It would be very relieving to be able to take those "plans", toss them out the window, and let life lead me where I am meant to go. Really, I don't have to worry about it all on my own. I am not stumbling blindly in the dark. There is a greater purpose for me that I have yet to discover and if I try to take control of my life, I may just miss out on what would give me the most joy. 

Instead of planning for perfection, which would hinder me from living the life I have, I plan now to live in the moment, without the stress of tomorrow casting its dark cloud above my head. I plan to ask my Heavenly Father for some directions on this journey I have undertaken. I plan to find happiness in every day of my life. Instead of putting restrictions on my life, I plan to open it up to limitless possibility. I plan to be surprised.

❤ Kate